01 abril 2018 - General - Comentar -

Dublin - 2018
Aprovechando un viaje de vacaciones a Dublin durante la semana santa de 2018, he tomado algunas fotos de la ciudad, las cuales quiero compartir, para asi mostrar algunos de lus lugares mas bonitos de la misma. Me hubiese gustado tomar mas imagenes, pero la lluvia me lo impidio. Aun asi estoy satisfecho con las fotos tomadas y en una proxima visita tomare mas fotografias.
Me llevo un grato recuerdo de esta ciudad y de sus habitantes, unas personas maravillosas y con una gran amabilidad. Sus monumentos son fantasticos, sus restaurantes y pubs fenomenales, sus tiendas me han gustado mucho, pero de nuevo reitero que sus ciudadanos son maravillosos.
Recomiendo como lugar de turismo esta ciudad, a la cual procurare volver, ya que me he llevado conmigo un bonito recuerdo.
Espero que os gusten mis fotos y doy desde España un gran saludo a todos los irlandeses, precioso pais y Dublin, una gran ciudad.

Dublin - 2018
Taking advantage of a holiday trip to Dublin during the Easter of 2018, I have taken some pictures of the city, which I want to share, to show some of the most beautiful places of it. I would have liked to take more pictures, but the rain prevented me. Even so I am satisfied with the photos taken and in a next visit I will take more pictures.
I take a pleasant memory of this city and its inhabitants, wonderful people and with great kindness. Its monuments are fantastic, its restaurants and pubs phenomenal, its stores I have liked a lot, but again I reiterate that its citizens are wonderful.
I recommend this city as a place of tourism, to which I will try to return, since I have taken with me a beautiful memory.
I hope you like my photos and I give from Spain a great greeting to all the Irish, beautiful country and Dublin, a great city.

Maynooth University

Maynooth University

Maynooth University

Maynooth University

Trinity college

Trinity college

Trinity college

Trinity college

Trinity college

Trinity college

Saint Stephens Green Park

Saint Stephens Green Park

Saint Stephens Green Park

Saint Stephens Green Park

St. Andrew churh

St. Andrew churh

Molly Malone

Molly Malone

Christ church Cathedral

Christ church Cathedral


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